15 thoughts on “Got My Summer Brain On

  1. Welcome back Jack. I love your to the point and fun post. Sums it up does it?😊
    I am also back from a five week vacation and finally plan to put a post out tomorrow. Hoping the brain still functions.

  2. Posts need to take a break once in a while before they catch the Social Media disease aspect and turn into mind pudding. My trouble is over writing what they’re doing in my head just to hang out with them.

  3. What are summer’s for, if not for us to to enjoy them? I’m sure the break from the internet has done you the world of good, Jack, and you are now fighting fit and ready to plunge back into your writing.

  4. I just saw this post from 2017 and all I can say is me, too! Louis L’Amour’s daughter asked him one time why he was typing so fast and he said “Because I want to know how it ends.”

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