3 thoughts on “

  1. An excellent quote, Jack. Hope your writing is coming along well. Mine’s still plodding along. I finished reading your short stories book a while ago, but just haven’t had the chance to write a review yet. I hope to do that sometime in the coming week. I enjoyed it very much.

    • Thank you, milliethom. These last few weeks have been, let’s say, a bit of a challenge; so much so, I’m thinking of making a short post about it. Sadly, I’m behind on both reading and writing but still at it. Pleased to hear you enjoyed the short stories; I’m certainly enjoying your Pit Of Vipers and am looking forward to the next in the series. I will be posting a review of PoV.

      • I hope when you say, ‘a bit of a challenge’ you’re not meaning anything sad. If it’s applying yourself to your writing, I understand that all too well. But I get the feeling the problem’s more than applying yourself, otherwise you wouldn’t be wanting to do a post about it. I hope you’re OK now, wahever the problem was. Thank you for reading PoV. Much appreciated.
        Nice to hear from you, Jack. I wondered where you’d got to.

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