Goodbye My Love, Goodbye

I recently wrote a short story about a young man, his high school sweetheart, and their less-than-desirable marriages (they tied the knot twice with each other before it all fell apart for good). The story, despite its description, is actually humorous and ends well. However, in some dark corner of my mind, I wondered: what if it hadn’t ended well? What if the man couldn’t handle the fact his one true love was unfaithful? That’s when this poem came to me.

Goodbye My Love, Goodbye

Retreating inward from the pain,

I smell the sweetness of her hair

As we move along the path. I strain

Uphill, dragging muddied weight to where

Headstones squat like sacred peaks between

Mowed grass where walked mourning crones.

Stoic statues weathered, weeping, still serene,

Guarding lengthy rows of buried bones.


We halt. Crows pass, loud caws abating.

A portal beyond the pale awaits, silent.

The gaping hole lies open, waiting, waiting

For my dearest here quiet, broken, spent.

Farewell, sweet beauty, unfaithful miss.

I weep. Red lipstick on blue, icy lips

Beckons. Entranced, I take one final kiss

Before tossing splendor into the dark abyss.

Goodbye my love, goodbye.

18 thoughts on “Goodbye My Love, Goodbye

    • Thank you, Nancy. It made the cut and will appear in my next short story collection. I will notify you prior to publication. By the way, looking forward to seeing you this Sunday at Books In Bloom!

      • Hi jack! Glad I’ve caught you because I’m in the processs of nominating people on my Liebster Award post. I can’t find anything on your blog that says you are ‘Award free’ – so how would you feel if I nominated you? (There is on obligation to accept, of ccourse, and you wouldn’t have to do it until you had the time.)

      • Thank you, milliethom. I’m delighted you thought of me and would be honored for the nomination. One caveat, however, and it is the same whether I’m doing a book signing, newspaper interview, etc.: I would reserve the right to not answer a question if it’s too personal (by my definition). 🙂

      • That’s fine! But I don’t think the questions I’ve set delve too deeply into personal issues. There is a section about sharing things about yourself – which can be as general as you want, But certainly leave out what you don’t like. I should have the post up very soon now. I refuse to go to bed until it’s done!
        Have a great day tomorrow. (I haven’t had chance to reply to your email yet because I’ve been doing this post!) 😀

      • I’ll remember your words when I cower before them tomorrow. But yes, I can threaten to delete them if they won’t play nicely. 🙂

      • They’re already there – and I want to be there with them. The weather here is horrible and windy. It’s more like March than May.

      • There’s certainly a lot going on for them in Cordoba. There’s lots of building work going on at the mosque, for a start. And goodness knows who they’ll meet there. Now, you see, I want to go and get on with it! Thanks for that, Jack. 😀

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